Abstract. After an improvement on the theory of the neutron-gravity-refractometer and after refinements of the experimental procedure we have performed new measurements of the absolute value of the neutron-proton scattering amplitude at low neutron energies. In order to obtain and to confirm a very high accuracy we carried out neutron-reflection experiments on 18 various liquids of 11 different organic substances containing the elements carbon, hydrogen and/or chlorine. Compounds with fluorine and bromine were used to measure the scattering amplitudes of these elements. We found the coherent scattering amplitudes of the bound atoms to be: a, = -3.7409 (11)fm, ac=6.6484(13)fm, acl=9.5792(8)fm, av= 5.66(2)fm and a~r=6.79(2)fm. The low energy (n, p)-parameters a t and a~ were calculated with the present a H and a new value of the (n, p) scattering cross-section cr 0. By comparing the measured a c with values obtained from precise transmission experiments we could determine the gravitational acceleration gj of the free neutron in terms of the local value g. We found the two values to be equal: gf =0.9996(7)g.