The article communicates an alternative route to suffice the late-time acceleration considering a bulk viscous fluid with viscosity coefficient ζ = ζ 0 + ζ 1 H + ζ 2 H 2 , where ζ 0 , ζ 1 , ζ 2 are constants in the framework of f (R, T) modified gravity. We presume the f (R, T) functional form to be f = R + 2αT where α is a constant. We then solve the field equations for the Hubble Parameter and study the cosmological dynamics of kinematic variables such as deceleration, jerk, snap and lerk parameters as a function of cosmic time. We observe the deceleration parameter to be highly sensitive to α and undergoes a signature flipping at around t ∼ 10 Gyrs for α = −0.179 which is favored by observations. The EoS parameter for our model assumes values close to −1 at t 0 = 13.7Gyrs which is in remarkable agreement with the latest Planck measurements. Next, we study the evolution of energy conditions and find that our model violate the Strong Energy Condition in order to explain the late-time cosmic acceleration. To understand the nature of dark energy mimicked by the bulk viscous baryonic fluid, we perform some geometrical diagnostics like the {r, s} and {r, q} plane. We found the model to mimic the nature of a Chaplygin gas type dark energy model at early times while a Quintessence type in distant future. Finally, we study the violation of continuity equation for our model and show that in order to explain the cosmic acceleration at the present epoch, energymomentum must violate.