There are indications that gravity is asymptotically safe. The Standard Model (SM) plus gravity could be valid up to arbitrarily high energies. Supposing that this is indeed the case and assuming that there are no intermediate energy scales between the Fermi and Planck scales we address the question of whether the mass of the Higgs boson m H can be predicted. For a positive gravity induced anomalous dimension A λ > 0 the running of the quartic scalar self interaction λ at scales beyond the Planck mass is determined by a fixed point at zero. This results in m H = m min = 126 GeV, with only a few GeV uncertainty. This prediction is independent of the details of the short distance running and holds for a wide class of extensions of the SM as well. For A λ < 0 one finds m H in the interval m min < m H < m max ≃ 174 GeV, now sensitive to A λ and other properties of the short distance running. The case A λ > 0 is favored by explicit computations existing in the literature. The "flowing action" or "effective average action" Γ k includes all quantum fluctuations with momenta larger than an infrared cutoff scale. For k → ∞ no fluctuations are included and Γ k→∞ coincides with the classical or microscopic action, while for k → 0 the flowing action includes all quantum fluctuations and becomes the generating functional of the one-particle irreducible Green's functions. The scale dependence of Γ k obeys an exact functional renormalization group equation [4]. It is of a simple one loop type, but nevertheless can be solved only approximately by suitable non-perturbative truncations of its most general functional form. From the studies of the functional renormalization group for Γ k one infers a characteristic scale dependence of the gravitational constant or Planck mass,where M P = (8πG N ) −1/2 = 2.4 × 10 18 GeV is the low energy Planck mass, and ξ 0 is a pure number, the exact