“…Once this is obtained, the constraints from figure 6 Complementarity of constraints on the maximum allowed dark matter fraction as a function of mass, for boson stars and NFW subhaloes of particular sizes. Shown here are constraints from the non-observation of microlensing signals [7,9] in the EROS-2 [54], OGLE-IV [4] (note that this does not include the latest results based on a combination of the OGLE-III and OGLE-IV datasets [55]), and Subaru-HSC [56] datasets; gravitational wave signals from the inspiral regime of binary mergers assuming binary formation in the early Universe ( [19]), and collisional ionisation of the CMB due to accretion (this work). The gray regions show the limitations of our analysis, corresponding to those EDOs whose radius is comparable to their corresponding Schwarzschild radius, or those whose Bondi radius breaks the isolated EDO assumption (eq.…”