In f (R) gravity, the metric, presented in the form of the multipole expansion, for the external gravitational field of a spatially compact supported source up to 1/c 3 order is provided, where c is the velocity of light in vacuum. The metric consists of General Relativity-like part and f (R) part, where the latter is the correction to the former in f (R) gravity. At the leading pole order, the metric can reduce to that for a point-like or ball-like source. For the gyroscope moving around the source without experiencing any torque, the multipole expansions of its spin's angular velocities of gravitoelectric-type precession, gravitomagnetic-type precession, f (R) precession, and Thomas precession are all derived. The first two types of precession are collectively called General Relativitylike precession, and the f (R) precession is the correction in f (R) gravity. At the leading pole order, these expansions can recover the results for the gyroscope moving around a point-like or ball-like source. If the gyroscope has a nonzero four-acceleration, its spin's total angular velocity of precession up to 1/c 3 order in f (R) gravity is the same as that in General Relativity.