Abstract. Depending on the polarity of the subduction system controlling the evolution of an orogenic wedge, we distinguish between pro-wedge (fore-arc, foreland) and retrowedge (retro-arc, hinterland) forelands. Flexural foreland basins and/or intraplate compressional structures can develop in retro-wedge domains of Andean-type and in pro-and retro-wedge domains of Himalayan-type orogens.Whereas the subsidence of retro-wedge foreland basins is exclusively controlled by the topographic load exerted by the orogenic wedge on the foreland lithosphere, the additional load of the subducted lithospheric slab contributes towards the subsidence of pro-wedge foreland basins. Flexural forebulges develop only if the orogenic wedge and the foreland lithosphere are mechanically decoupled at lithospheric levels.Under conditions of mechanical coupling between an orogenic wedge and its foreland at crustal and/or mantlelithospheric levels, compressional stresses are transmitted into the latter, inducing reactivation of pre-existing crustal discontinuities and broad crustal and lithosphere scale folding at distances up to 1700 km from the collision front. Such stresses can accentuate potential pre-existing flexural forebulges or impede their development. Depending on the thickness and rheological structure of the crust and its sedimentary cover, thick-and/or thin-skinned thrusts can propagate far into forelands, either disrupting pre-existing flexural foreland basins or impeding their development.Collision-related compressional stresses can be transmitted into pro-wedge forelands during 1) initiation of subduction zones, 2) periods of subduction impediment caused by the arrival of more buoyant crust at a subduction zone, 3) initial collision of an orogenic wedge with a passive margin, and 4) post-collisional over-thickening and uplift of an orogenic wedge and the development of a mantle-back-stop.Development of intraplate compressional/transpressional structures in forelands is indicative for the build-up of collision-related compressional stresses, and thus for strong Correspondence to: P. A. Ziegler (fax +41-061-421.55.35) mechanical coupling of a foreland with the associated orogenic wedge, either at crustal and/or mantle-lithospheric levels. The absence of syn-orogenic intraplate compressional structures suggests that the respective orogenic wedge and its foreland(s) were mechanically decoupled. The level of mechanical coupling between an orogenic wedge and its foreland is temporally and spatially variable.Mechanical coupling and uncoupling of orogenic wedges and their forelands probably depends on the geometry and frictional shear strength of their common boundary zone. Subduction resistance of the foreland, as well as the buildup of high fluid pressures in subducted sediments, presumably play an important role. Pro-wedge continental crust and mantle-lithosphere can be subducted to depths of 100-150 km at which it can no longer support the weight of the attached oceanic slab and fails. Slab-detachment results in uplift of th...