Questions: Due to the diverse abiotic conditions and the extensive, early-autumn, manual mowing practiced once per few years, Molinia semi-natural wet meadows are known for their high plant species diversity. However, recent socioeconomic transformations and land-use changes (i.e. cessation of use) have been contributing to significant biodiversity loss in Molinia meadows. Thus, understanding the mechanisms of species co-occurrence patterns operating on well-developed Molinia meadows may be a precondition for the restoration or regeneration success of this type of vegetation. We aimed to identify community-level coexistence patterns of the whole set of plant species typical of Molinia meadows, and to assess the role of cooccurring vegetation in shaping the performance of individual species. Location: Natura 2000 Special Area of Conservation "Łąki Dąbrowskie" (S Poland). Methods: Using generalised multiple regression techniques on a set of vegetation traits and components of functional diversity, we assessed the role of different ecological mechanisms in shaping co-occurrence patterns of the entire group of species typical of Molinia meadows, as well as individual species belonging to this group. Results: When the entire group of Molinia meadow species was taken into account, niche differentiation emerged as the main mechanism influencing the co-occurrence of plant species. When considering individual species, we revealed that their coexistence patterns were mostly species-specific, pointing out the predominant role of either niche differentiation, competition, habitat filtering, or a combination of these three drivers in shaping assembly processes. Conclusions: Our results showed that the variability of niches realised by target species typical of Molinia meadows was high. Therefore, conservation of well-developed Molinia meadows should focus on both the community, and on a single species level, aiming to maintain a complex of specific microhabitat conditions. Considering smallsize patches of these meadows scattered in a transformed, agricultural landscape, conservation of individual target species should be of the highest priority.