An analysis of continuum antenna temperatures observed in the GBT spectrometer bandpasses is presented for observations toward Sgr B2(N-LMH). Since 2004, we have identified four new prebiotic molecules toward this source by means of rotational transitions between low-energy levels; concurrently, we have observed significant continuum in GBT spectrometer bandpasses centered at 85 different frequencies in the range 1-48 GHz. The continuum heavily influences the molecular spectral features since we have observed far more absorption lines than emission lines for each of these new molecular species. Hence, it is important to understand the nature, distribution, and intensity of the underlying continuum in the GBT bandpasses for the purposes of radiative transfer, i.e., the means by which reliable molecular abundances are estimated. We find that the GBT spectrometer bandpass continuum is consistent with optically thin, nonthermal (synchrotron) emission with a flux density spectral index of Ϫ0.7 and a Gaussian source size of ∼143Љ at 1 GHz that decreases with increasing frequency as . Some support for this model is provided by high-frequency VLA observations of Sgr B2. The north source in Sgr B2, i.e., Sgr B2(N), is a giant star-forming region that lies along the Galactic equator near the center of our Galaxy. There is another strong molecular source ∼60Љ to the south of this position known as the main in Sgr B2, i.e., Sgr B2(M), that can influence molecular detections toward Sgr B2(N) if the telescope beam is large. Both Sgr B2(N) and Sgr B2(M) contain molecular maser-emitting spots, ultracompact H ii continuum sources, compact hot molecular cores of arcsecond dimensions, extended H ii regions, and cold extended molecular regions of arcminute dimensions. In addition, small-scale and large-scale shock phenomena pervade this region (e.g., Chengalur & Kanekar 2003). In Sgr B2(N), the hot molecular core known as the LMH (Large Molecule Heimat) has been a primary source that has been searched for millimeter-wave rotational transitions between high-energy levels for species that are found in emission and confined to its ∼5Љ diameter. For example, from interferometric observations, the emission from high-energy transitions of methyl formate (CH 3 OCHO; Snyder et al. 2002) is seen largely confined to the LMH core. High-energy transitions of methanol (CH 3 OH) are also confined to the LMH hot core, and they were used by Pei et al. (2000) to derive a rotational temperature of K that is usually assumed to characterize other large 170 ע 13 molecules in the core.On the other hand, recent observations with the Green Bank Telescope (GBT) toward Sgr B2(N-LMH) indicate that the molecular halo surrounding the LMH is a rich source of an entirely different set of large complex molecules. In this cold halo region, transitions between low-energy levels of large interstellar molecules tend to occur in the frequency range 1-48 GHz. For example, glycolaldehyde (CH 2 OHCHO) was first detected in this region with the GBT by means o...