The Indonesian government administration, which was originally centered in Jakarta, will be moved in 2024. Interestingly, the construction of the Ibu Kota Nusantara (IKN) reaps pros–cons from the community. Discussions about the IKN planning pattern continue to be debated. To conduct this event, the orientation of the article is to invite public participation (outside the government) to determine the choice of what planning format is valid for the sustainability of the new IKN development. The profiles of respondents are local netizens who often use social media to test their insights who live around the IKN. The cluster sampling survey was carried out partially using online interviews throughout the 2022 period. Besides, the data collection process only focused on 251 respondents who have skills and are certified as urban planners who are members of associations with special expertise. The collected primary data is extracted into the Chi–Square model. As a result, it detects that the planning formulation suggested by netizens has an effect on the sustainability of the IKN development. From various walks of life including: scientists, observers/environmental activists, community leaders, social media observers, and entrepreneurs, the majority consider the most realistic planning approach for the sustainability of IKNs to be green cities. For the long–term, netizens reason and assume that this concept fulfills the necessary of green open space (RTH).