This study tries to find out how the long-term and short-term relationship between several variables related to economic growth such as CO2 emissions, internet literacy, and education in Cambodia. We use the World Bank as a supplementary source for statistics data, namely data from 2000 to 2020. We learn from our estimating findings that the elements we predicted, including economic development and internet literacy, have both long- and short-term associations, as well as economic growth and education, which in the short term internet literacy has a significant positive effect on economic growth. In line with that, the level of education also has a significant positive effect on economic growth. In contrast to the statistically significant inverse association between the economic growth variable for this year and the economic growth for the prior year, there is also a relationship between co2 emissions and economic growth. This shows that increasing internet literacy, in the short and long term will also increase economic growth, as well as education levels. In contrast, CO2 emissions have an inverse correlation with the gross domestic product which represents economic growth in Cambodia.