A mixed study research, this paper analyses the perception of the college students about online safety, considered one of the areas of digital skills. We rely on the Ikanos project descriptors of the Basque Institute of Professional Qualifications and Vocational Training (2014). We considered the four topics: protecting devices, protecting data and digital identity, protecting health and protecting the environment (INTEF, 2014). In collecting the data, we used an online survey and a semi-structured individual interview. From the results, millennials uses basic safety practices, such as using antivirus, password management, configuration settings in the Web tools, etc. Regarding the digital identity and health, it detected the need to promote the proper use of personal data and the media habits. For the environmental protection, it is essential promote awareness about the computers and electronic devices, energy management, recycling and technological waste. Finally, this research seeks to contribute to the discussion on safety and the media consumption within the framework for the development of digital skills.