Urban forests are an instrument of urban ecosystems, their existence is very important in the midst of declining environmental quality in urban areas, besides that urban forests also have various environmental service functions such as being able to absorb CO2 content, as an oxygen supply, then urban forests also have economic value. The policy on urban forest management is important so that its sustainability is maintained. Therefore, this study aims to analyze urban forest policies in forest management. This research was conducted in Serang City. This research approach uses the ANP (Analysis Network Process) approach, involving respondents from the Government (Regional Government Development Agency and Environmental services), forestry academics, forest researchers, KLHK employees in the forestry sector, practitioners engaged in forestry and environmental non-governmental organizations. The results of this study that from the three levels analyzed are factors, actors, and alternatives. The results from the level factor (policy support, quality improvement, evaluation and monitoring) show that policy support is the most priority thing. Meanwhile, from the level of actors (Government, Community, Private, government and private, NGOs) shows that the most influential actor in urban forest management is a combination of government and private sector. Then at the alternative level (evaluation of regulations, selection of tree species, expansion of urban forests, incentives, and sanctions) shows that the expansion of urban forests is the most important thing to implement.