The theory of planned behavior is broadly used to study the buying behavior of green products. However, the theory has been criticized for ignoring moral considerations in the purchase decision and not sufficiently explaining the influence of personal factors such as consumers’ product attributes evaluation. This study aims to build a structural model to explain the causality of factors influencing consumer intention to buy organic coffee in Indonesia. Organic coffee has a bright business prospect, but there was only limited evidence of academic studies on organic coffee from a consumer’s perspective. Thus, this study is one of the attempts to explain organic coffee purchase intention from the perspective of rational and moral consideration. The sample of 500 coffee consumers aged 18 years and more who live or do activities (work/study) in Jakarta were recruited using the purposive sampling technique. Structural equation modeling was utilized for data analysis. The results demonstrated that attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, and values orientation affected purchase intention. The study successfully explains the role of moral considerations in organic coffee purchase intention. These findings suggest managerial implications, including marketing communication and distribution strategy. Future research suggestions were also discussed.