Sharp L ∞ estimates are obtained for general classes of fully non-linear PDE's on Hermitian manifolds. The method builds on the method of comparison with auxiliary Monge-Ampère equations introduced earlier in the Kähler case by the authors in joint work with F. Tong, but uses this time auxiliary equations on open balls with a Dirichlet condition. The role of Yau's theorem in the compact Kähler case is now played by the theorem of Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg-Spruck for the Dirichlet problem. Global estimates are then deduced by combining arguments of Blocki with exponential estimates due to Kolodziej generalizing the classic inequality of Brezis-Merle. The method applies not just to compact Hermitian manifolds, but also to the Dirichlet problem, to open manifolds with a lower bound on their injectivity radii, and to (n − 1)-form Monge-Ampère equations.