VTT has implemented the demand of energy and resource efficiency in the framework of Ecodesign concept covering the whole material life cycle from material sources to material design and manufacturing, component life time optimisation and finally recycling concepts. The vision of the virtually supported Ecodesign concept is to create optimized and efficient machine and device components regarding their whole lifecycle by evolving multiscale modelling.In this presentation we will introduce our development work within our Ecodesign concept by giving two case examples including Cu flow in electrical motor and Ni flow in waste incinerator. In the first case we will discuss raw material scarcity based design criteria, technological challenges and possibilities of Cu substitution and finally energy efficiency in system level. In the latter we will discuss multiscale modelling approach starting from raw materials and new design criteria regarding performance, life time, maintenance strategies and energy efficiency in system level operation.
INTRODUCTIONEnergy efficiency is an established, global megatrend throughout the industries in order to secure energy supply, cut costs and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. Resource efficiency is becoming the demand of industrial activity in sectors like construction, chemicals, automotive, aerospace, machinery or commodities. The alternatives to tackle the raw materials scarcity are either new primary (arctic, seabed) or secondary sources (reuse, recycling) or substitution. Current amount of metals (e.g. Cu, Zn, Ni and Al) that can be directed to recycling from their present use is inadequate compared with the market need. Substitution can be used to develop alternative materials in certain applications or to replace those applications by an equivalent technology that does not rely on the key raw materials.The typical material life cycle starts from primary production, mining. The ore is converted into metallic form, alloyed with other elements and semi-fabricated in a form of, e.g., powder, sheet or forging for manufacturing the final product. Once the product has served for its purpose, it is either recycled or wasted. The resulting carbon and water footprints are large and solutions are looked for from new technology breakthroughs including new material design concepts, additive manufacturing methods and new recycling and recovery technologies. The future society is based on sustainable development, where the re-use is of central importance. Materials reuse, efficient use of secondary flows as well as more efficient recovery technologies provide the basis for the sustainable exploitation of natural resources.The past decade has witnessed a sharp increase in the demand and price of metals and other mineral raw materials. This demand increase has its roots in the rapid growth of countries such as China, India and Brazil, where per-capita material inputs into society have experienced