Abstract. As city governments take steps towards establishing emissions reduction
targets, the atmospheric research community is increasingly able to assist in tracking emissions reductions. Researchers have established systems for
observing atmospheric greenhouse gases in urban areas with the aim of
attributing greenhouse gas concentration enhancements (and thus emissions) to the region in question. However, to attribute enhancements to a particular
region, one must isolate the component of the observed concentration
attributable to fluxes inside the region by removing the background, which is
the component due to fluxes outside. In this study, we demonstrate methods to
construct several versions of a background for our carbon dioxide and methane
observing network in the Washington, DC, and Baltimore, MD, metropolitan region. Some of these versions rely on transport and flux models, while others are based on observations upwind of the domain. First, we evaluate the
backgrounds in a synthetic data framework, and then we evaluate against real observations from our urban network. We find that backgrounds based on upwind
observations capture the variability better than model-based backgrounds,
although care must be taken to avoid bias from biospheric carbon dioxide
fluxes near background stations in summer. Model-based backgrounds also
perform well when upwind fluxes can be modeled accurately. Our study evaluates
different background methods and provides guidance in determining background methodology that can impact the design of urban monitoring networks.