Abstract. The flow of ice drives mass losses in both, the Antarctic and the Greenland Ice Sheet. The projections of possible future sea-level rise rely on numerical ice-sheet models, which solve the physics of ice flow and melt. While a number of important uncertainties have been addressed by the ice-sheet modeling community, the flow law, which is at the center of most process-based ice-sheet models, has so far been assumed certain. Unfortunately, recent studies show that the parameters in the flow law might be uncertain and different from the widely accepted standard values. Here, we use an idealized flowline setup to investigate how uncertainties in the flow law translate into uncertainties in flow-driven mass loss given a step-wise increase of surface temperatures. We find that the measured range of flow parameters can double the flow-driven mass loss within the first centuries of warming, compared to a setting with standard parameters. The spread of ice loss due to an uncertainty in flow parameters is of the same order as the increase in mass loss due to increasing surface temperatures. While this study focuses on an idealized setting in order to disentangle the effect of the flow law from other effects, it is likely that this uncertainty carries over to realistic three-dimensional simulations of Greenland and Antarctica.