By caching acorns, jays serve as important dispersal agents for oak (Quercus) species. Yet little is known about which acorn characteristics affect selection by jays. In the traditional model of jay/oak symbiosis, large, brown, ripe acorns free of invertebrate parasites (e.g., Curculio acorn weevils) are selected by jays. Recently, it has been suggested that a tri-trophic relationship between oaks, jays, and weevils may have evolved to counter the negative dietary effects of acorn tannins. Under the tri-trophic model, jays would preferentially select acorns containing weevil larvae. We tested the assumptions that (1) acorns containing curculionid larvae exist in sufficient quantities to support jay populations and (2) jays can detect, and preferentially select, acorns containing weevil larvae, and investigated the cues by which jays select acorns. Captive Mexican jays (Aphelocomaultramarina) were presented Emory oak (Quercusemoryi) acorns in aviary feeding trials. Large, dense, viable acorns free of curculionid larvae were preferentially selected. Contrary to results of previous research, color did not affect selection. Acorn viability increased and curculionid larval occupancy decreased in adjacent savannas and isolated stands relative to existing oak woodland, perhaps favoring oak recruitment into adjacent lower-elevation grasslands. Our results compel us to reject the tri-trophic model for this system, and are consistent with the traditional jay/oak symbiosis model. Relatively long-distance dispersal of viable acorns favors Emory oak replacement, and spatial patterns of acorn viability and curculionid parasitism suggest expansion of Emory oak into adjacent low-elevation semi-arid grasslands.