Coastal flood hazard varies in response to changes in storm surge climatology and the sea level. Here we combine probabilistic projections of the sea level and storm surge climatology to estimate the temporal evolution of flood hazard. We find that New York City's flood hazard has increased significantly over the past two centuries and is very likely to increase more sharply over the 21st century. Due to the effect of sea level rise, the return period of Hurricane Sandy's flood height decreased by a factor of ∼3× from year 1800 to 2000 and is estimated to decrease by a further ∼4.4× from 2000 to 2100 under a moderate-emissions pathway. When potential storm climatology change over the 21st century is also accounted for, Sandy's return period is estimated to decrease by ∼3× to 17× from 2000 to 2100.Hurricane Sandy | storm surge | sea level rise | climate change | New York City I n October of 2012, Hurricane Sandy flooded the US East Coast with extreme storm surges. At the Battery tide gauge in New York City (NYC), the storm surge reached 2.8 m; the storm tide, which includes also the astronomical tide, reached a record height of 3.44 m (the North American Vertical Datum of 1988). Estimating the frequency of Sandy-like flood events, including how it changes over time, provides critical information for coastal risk mitigation and climate adaptation. Previous studies have investigated the frequency of Hurricane Sandy under the historical climate (1-4). In this study, we focus on how the frequency of extreme floods induced by Sandy-like events varies in response to changes in the sea level (5) and storm activity (6, 7) due to climate change. In particular, we investigate (i) the influence of historical sea level rise in shaping the current flood hazard in NYC and (ii) the impact of projected future climate change and sea level rise on Sandy-like flood events.To compare flood events across time periods, we define the flood height as the peak water level during a storm relative to a baseline mean sea level (e.g., the mean sea level in 2000). Here we focus on the sea level components that vary with the climate and do not account for the effect of astronomical tide. Thus, we calculate the flood height as the sum of the peak storm surge and relative sea level (RSL; relative to the baseline). Then, for a given climate state, the return period (reciprocal of frequency) of floods of different heights can be estimated by combining (i) the storm frequency (assuming that the storms arrive as a Poisson process) and (ii) the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the flood height, which can be obtained by combining the CDF of the storm surge and the probability distribution function (PDF) of RSL (Methods). In such a framework, we integrate the estimated RSL PDF with modeled storm frequency and storm surge CDF (which, together, describe storm surge climatology) to estimate NYC's flood return periods from year 1800 to 2100.We consider storm surges induced by hurricanes/tropical cyclones. (Extratropical cyclones can also induce co...