We study numerically the so-called fundamental modular region Λ, a region free of Gribov copies, in the minimal Landau gauge for pure SU (2) lattice gauge theory. To this end we evaluate the influence of Gribov copies on several quantities -such as the smallest eigenvalue of the Faddeev-Popov matrix, the third and the fourth derivatives of the minimizing function, and the so-called horizon function -which are used to characterize the region Λ. Simulations are done at four different values of the coupling: β = 0, 0.8, 1.6, 2.7 , and for volumes up to 16 4 . We find that typical (thermalized and gauge-fixed) configurations, including those belonging to the region Λ, lie very close to the Gribov horizon ∂Ω, and are characterized, in the limit of large lattice volume, by a negative-definite horizon