“…The feasibility of GPU-accelerated electronic structure calculations was demonstrated in works by Ufimtsev and Martínez [40,41,42,43] which would form the basis for the TeraChem electronic structure package [44], as well as by Yasuda using the Gaussian package [45,46]. Since then, a number of electronic structure packages have incorporated GPU acceleration, including ABINIT [47], ADF [48], BigDFT [49,50], CP2K [51], GPAW [52,53,54], LS3DF [55], octopus [56,57,58], ONETEP [59], PEtot (now PWmat) [60,61,62,63], Q-Chem [64,65,15], Quantum ESPRESSO [66,67], RMG [68,69], VASP [70,71,72,73], and FHI-aims (this work). Development cost can be alleviated by using dropin GPU-accelerated libraries such as cuBLAS [74], cuFFT [75], Thrust [76], ELPA [77,78,79], and MAGMA [80,81,82]…”