During spatial navigation, neural activity in the hippocampus and the
medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) is correlated to navigational variables like
location1,2, head direction3, speed4, and proximity to boundaries5. These activity patterns are thought to
provide a map-like representation of physical space. However, the
hippocampal/entorhinal circuit is involved not only in spatial navigation, but
in a variety of memory-guided behaviors6. The relationship between this general function and the
specialized spatial activity patterns is unclear. A conceptual framework
reconciling these views is that spatial representation is just one example of a
more general mechanism for encoding continuous, task-relevant
variables7–10. We tested this idea by
recording hippocampal and entorhinal neurons in a task that required rats to use
a joystick to manipulate sound along a continuous frequency axis. We found
neural representation of the entire behavioral task, including activity that
formed discrete firing fields at particular sound frequencies. Neurons involved
in this representation overlapped with the known spatial cell types in the
circuit like place cells and grid cells. These results suggest that common
circuit mechanisms in the hippocampal/entorhinal system are used for
representations of diverse behavioral tasks, possibly supporting cognitive
processes beyond spatial navigation.