An important step in understanding the conditions which specify gene expression is to recognize gene regulatory areas that are associated with regulation of transcription. Due to high diversity of different types of transcription factors and their DNA binding preferences, it is a challenging problem to establish an accurate model for computational prediction of functioning regulatory elements in promoters of eukaryotic genes. In silico modeling of transcription factor binding sites becomes even more complicated in the case of some specialized transcription factors, e.g. nuclear receptors, which interact with their target DNA sequences as homo-or hetero-dimers, thus stipulating the multi-component structure of the binding sites. This thesis is mostly a methodology research aimed to solve the problem of recognition of symmetrically structured DNA motifs by using bioinformatics tools. Steroid hormone response elements (HREs), which are known to hold partially symmetric structure, are selected for our study. Addressed in the thesis are two novel methods for recognizing symmetrically structured DNA motifs; their applicability is demonstrated through a set of designed experiments. The first method exploits sequence-specific statistical modeling of the HRE pattern. Though characterized with certain limitations, for the particular problem of accurate HRE recognition, the simple and easily interpretable statistical model largely benefits from application-specific adaptation. The second method is based on a more accurate object-specific motif recognition paradigm, exploiting a two-phase neural architecture. The algorithmic research is preceded by the collection and preprocessing of the HRE training data, thus providing some interesting findings about HRE composition at the early stage of research. The collected dataset of functioning HREs currently has no analogs. In the statistical HRE modeling, we consider both nucleotide position and internucleotide transition patterns of HRE sequences. We implemented a position-transition recognition model with reference to the complex structure of the HRE motif. A cascade Markov model was invented for modeling the multi-component HRE structure, and it was implemented by hardware using FPGAs (Field-Programmable Gate Arrays). The designed chip was further used as a co-processing unit for computational efficiency when applied for predicting HREs in large genomic