Three-dimensional multielement wings are simulated to investigate slat aerodynamics, numerical modeling techniques, and compressibility effects for high-lift ows. The computations are performed by solving both the incompressible and compressible Navier-Stokes equations on structured, overset grids. Turbulence is modeled via the one-equation Spalart-Allmaras model. All of the computed cases include the main wing with a half-span ap de ected to 40 deg. Three leading-edge con gurations of this unswept wing are then considered: no slat, full-span slat, and a three-quarter-span slat. The slat elements are deployed to 6 deg. Computations of the model, which simulates a landing con guration at 10-deg angle of attack and a chord-based Reynolds number of 3.7 £ £ 10 6 , are validated with surface pressure measurements acquired at the NASA Ames 7-by 10-Foot Wind Tunnel. By the observation of the changes to the high-lift ow eld by adding the slat, as well as by varying its spanwise length, a detailed computational assessment of a properly con gured slat is achieved. Moreover, the results increase the computational knowledge of how to model the slat ow physics accurately. For the three-element wing with partspan slat, modeling compressibility can have a large impact on the ow eld solution. Overall, compressibility is small, but it has signi cant global effects on the circulation and ow separation of each element.