IntroductionMirror symmetry is the remarkable discovery in string theory that certain "mirror pairs" of Calabi-Yau manifolds apparently produce isomorphic physical theoriesrelated by an isomorphism which reverses the sign of a certain quantum numberwhen used as backgrounds for string propagation. The sign reversal in the isomorphism has profound effects on the geometric interpretation of the pair of physical theories. It leads to startling predictions that certain geometric invariants of one Calabi-Yau manifold (essentially the numbers of rational curves of various degrees) should be related to a completely different set of geometric invariants of the mirror partner (period integrals of holomorphic forms). The period integrals are much easier to calculate than the numbers of rational curves, so this idea has been used to make very specific predictions about numbers of curves on certain Calabi-Yau manifolds; hundreds of these predictions have now been explicitly verified. Why either the pair of manifolds, or these different invariants, should have anything to do with each other is a great mathematical mystery.The focus in these lectures will be on giving a precise mathematical description of two string-theoretic quantities which play a primary rôle in mirror symmetry: the so-called A-model and B-model correlation functions on a Calabi-Yau manifold. The first of these is related to the problem of counting rational curves while the second is related to period integrals and variations of Hodge structure. A natural mathematical consequence of mirror symmetry is the assertion that Calabi-Yau manifolds often come in pairs with the property that the A-model correlation function of the first manifold coincides with the B-model correlation function of the second, and vice versa. Our goal will be to formulate this statement as a precise mathematical conjecture. There are other recent mathematical expositions of mirror symmetry, by Voisin [15] and by Cox and Katz [3], which concentrate on other aspects of the subject; the reader may wish to consult those as well in order to obtain a complete picture.