The local-density approximation ͑LDA͒ to density functional theory is not self-interaction free. Motivated by this intellectual challenge, and the possible practical importance of strong electron-correlation in a Wignertype model, the capability of LDA is investigated for a two-dimensional electron system in the low-density limit. It is found for this essentially single-electron limit that the performance of LDA is slightly better in two dimension than in the equivalent three-dimensional problem treated earlier in Phys. Rev. B 18, 6506 ͑1978͒. An a priori explanation of this fact is given in terms of the different characters of potential fields generated by normalized charge distributions in these dimensions. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.81.113109 PACS number͑s͒: 71.10.Ϫw, 71.45.Gm, 71.15.Mb In the terminology of the review article 1 of Walter Kohn on condensed matter physics, the so-called Wigner lattice 2,3 is governed by the radical effect of the electron-electron interaction v͑r͒ = e 2 / r. The most accurate numerical calculations for such systems are performed by quantum Monte Carlo simulations 4,5 in three and two dimensions. The output energies per particle of these calculations are used to constrain an input form to the local-density approximation ͑LDA͒ for the exchange-correlation energy at low densities. A well-constrained form for this many-body term is vital in the practical a posteriori implementation of the Kohn-Sham orbital method as applied to various interacting manyelectron systems.While the exact density functional for the ground-state energy is self-interaction free, the practical method based on LDA is not. The elimination of the self-interaction is, therefore, an important issue. 6 In this Brief Report, we shall investigate the two-dimensional ͑2D͒ self-interaction problem for the low-density, i.e., Wigner lattice limit since this is one of the limits on which an interpolation procedure to design an input exchange-correlation energy per particle in LDA is based. The real advantage of using the low-density limit is that in this important limit one has an essentially singleelectron problem. Due to this fact, it is easier to identify the contribution of the self-interaction error, as was explicitly pointed out earlier 7 for the three-dimensional ͑3D͒ case. Following this logic, we start by a short review of energetics at low densities. We will use Hartree atomic units, ប = m e = e 2 = 1, in our comparative study. In a classical, point charge in the continuum, Wigner-Seitz modeling we take an electron to the center of the chargecompensating ͑rigid͒ background with a certain radius R. There are two terms contributing to a variational lattice ͑L͒ energy ⑀ L ͑D͒ in this 8 modeling. The Coulomb interaction energy ͓⑀ eb ͑D͔͒ of the pointlike electron with the positive jellium background, and the background self-energy ͓⑀ bb ͑D͔͒ arewhere r s is the Wigner-Seitz radius. 8 After a variational procedure, we get the R = r s and R = ͑ ͱ / 2͒r s values in 3D and 2D, respectively, at which the classical latti...