Both ~, ( d~~r n ) ,~O~+ clusters (M = Pd, Pt) photoreact with chlorocarbons (Cl-R; R = CCl,, CHCl,, CH2C1, C6H5, ClOHl5 (adamant~l)) and chloride ion (slowly) to produce the oxidized mononuclear species M(dppm)Cl, as a sole isolated Mcoordinated inorganic product. Such reactions do not proceed in the dark, except for R = CH2C6H5. Among the organic products, the coupling compound R-R (R = C6H5) is observed along with many phosphine compounds such as P(C6H5),. In an attempt to elucidate the photoinduced mechanism at the early stage of the phototransformations, the following have been investigated : the ground state binding constants (K,, for M = Pd in methanol), the photochemical quantum yields of cluster disappearance (Qdis for M = Pd) as a function of substrates, substrate concentrations, excitation wavelengths, solvents (ethanol vs toluene), and presence of CO, and the emission lifetimes (7, for M = Pt) at 77 K as a function of substrate concentrations (CH,Cl, and CHCI,) in ethanol and toluene. Some of the experimental conclusions have also been corroborated theoretically using density functional theory. Geometry optimization calculations have been performed for the model compounds P~,(PH,)~co~+-.c~-, Pd3(PH3)62+, P~, ( P H , )~C~~+ . C~~, P~,(PH,)~CO~+~-CI-CH,, and P~,(PH,)~co~+ in their ground states.Key words: atom abstraction, photochemistry, C-C1 bond, clusters, host-guest.RCsumC : Les agrCgats ~, ( d~~r n ) ,~0~+ (M = Pd, Pt) photorkagissent tous les deux avec les chlorocarbones (Cl-R; CCI,, CHCl,, CH2C1, C6H5, ClOHl6 (adamantyle)) et avec l'ion chlorure (lentement) pour conduire B des espkces mononuclCaires oxydCes M(dppm)Cl, qui correspondent au seul produit inorganique M-coordinC B Ctre isole. Ces reactions ne se produisent pas B la noirceur, except6 pour le composC R = CH2C6H5. Parmi les composCs organiques, on observe le composC de couplage R-R (R = C6H5) ainsi que plusieurs phosphines telle que la P(C6H5),. Dans le but d'Clucider le mCcanisme photoinduit dans 1'Ctape initiale des phototransfonnations, on a examink les caractCristiques suivantes : les constantes d'association dans 1'Ctat fondamental (K,,, pour M = Pd dans le methanol), les rendements quantiques photochimiques pour la disparition des agrCgats (Qdis pour M = Pd) en fonction des substrats, des concentrations de substrat, des longueurs d'onde d'excitation, des solvants (Cthanol vs. tolukne) et de la presence de CO et les durCes de vie d'Cmissions (7, pour M = Pt), B 77 K, en fonction des concentrations de substrat (