We show that the exact wave function for two electrons, interacting through a Coulomb potential but constrained to remain on the surface of a D-sphere (D ≥ 1), is a polynomial in the interelectronic distance u for a countably infinite set of values of the radius R. A selection of these radii, and the associated energies, are reported for ground and excited states on the singlet and triplet manifolds. We conclude that the D = 3 model bears the greatest similarity to normal physical systems. Quantum mechanical models for which it is possible to solve explicitly for a finite portion of the energy spectrum are said to be quasi-exactly solvable [1]. They have ongoing value and are useful both for illuminating more complicated systems and for testing and developing theoretical approaches, such as density functional theory (DFT) [2][3][4] and explicitly correlated methods [5][6][7][8]. One of the most famous two-body models is the Hooke's law atom which consists of a pair of electrons, repelling Coulombically but trapped in a harmonic external potential with force constant k. This system was first considered nearly 50 years ago by Kestner and Sinanoglu [9], solved analytically in 1989 for one particular k value [10], and later for a countably infinite set of k values [11].A related system consists of two electrons trapped on the surface of a sphere of radius R. This has been used by Berry and collaborators [12][13][14][15] to understand both weakly and strongly correlated systems and to suggest an "alternating" version of Hund's rule [16]. Seidl utilized this system to develop new correlation functionals [17] within the adiabatic connection in DFT [18]. We will use the term "spherium" to describe this system. In recent work [19], we examined various schemes and described a method for obtaining near-exact estimates of the 1 S ground state energy of spherium for any given R. Because the corresponding Hartree-Fock (HF) energies are also known exactly [19], this is now one of the most complete theoretical models for understanding electron correlation effects.In this Letter, we consider D-spherium, the generalization in which the two electrons are trapped on a D-sphere of radius R. We adopt the convention that a D-sphere is the surface of a (D + 1)-dimensional ball. (Thus, for example, the Berry system is 2-spherium.) We show that the Schrödinger equation for the 1 S and the 3 P states can be solved exactly for a countably infinite set of R values and that the resulting wave functions are polynomials in the interelectronic distance u = |r 1 − r 2 |. Other spin and angular momentum states can be addressed in the same way using the ansatz derived by Breit [20].The electronic Hamiltonian, in atomic units, iŝand because each electron moves on a D-sphere, it is natural to adopt hyperspherical coordinates [21,22]. For 1 S states, it can be then shown [19] that the wave function S(u) satisfies the Schrödinger equation(2) By introducing the dimensionless variable x = u/2R, this becomes a Heun equation [23] with singular points at x...