We present a self-consistent theory for the description of the spectroscopic properties of odd nuclei which includes exact blocking, particle-number and angular-momentum projection and configuration mixing. In our theory the pairing correlations are treated in a variation-after-projection approach and the triaxial deformation parameters are explicitly considered as generator coordinates. The angular-momentum and particle-number symmetries are exactly recovered. The use of the effective finite-range density-dependent Gogny force in the calculations provides an added value to the theoretical results.We apply the theory to the textbook example of 25 Mg and, although this nucleus has been thoroughly studied in the past, we still provide a novel view of nuclear phenomena taking place in this nucleus. We obtain an overall good agreement with the known experimental energies and transition probabilities without any additional parameter such as effective charges. In particular, we clearly identify six bands, two of which we interpret as collective γ-bands.