The magnetic dipole moment and mean-square charge radius of 199g Pt (I π = 5/2 − , t 1/2 = 30.8 min) ground state and 199m Pt (E ex = 424 keV, I π = (13/2) + , t 1/2 = 13.6 s) isomeric state are evaluated for the first time from investigations of the hyperfine splitting of the λ 1 = 248.792 nm transition by in-gas-cell laser ionization spectroscopy. Ground and isomeric states of neutron-rich 199 Pt nucleus were produced by a multinucleon transfer reaction at the KEK Isotope Separation System (KISS), designed for the study of nuclear spectroscopy in the vicinity of N = 126. The measured magnetic dipole moments +0.75(8)μ N and −0.57(5)μ N are consistent with the systematics of those of nuclei with I π = 5/2 − and I π = 13/2 + , respectively.