High-precision mass measurements of 63 Cu, 64−66 Zn, 65 Ga, 65−67 Ge, 67 As, 78,81 Br, 80 Rb, and 79 Sr were performed utilizing a multireflection time-of-flight mass spectrograph combined with the gas-filled recoil ion separator GARIS-II. In the case of 65 Ga, a mass uncertainty of 2.1 keV, corresponding to a relative precision of δm/m = 3.5 × 10 −8 , was obtained and the mass value is in excellent agreement with the 2016 Atomic Mass Evaluation. For 67 Ge and 81 Br, where masses were previously deduced through indirect measurements, discrepancies with literature values were found. The feasibility of using this device for mass measurements of nuclides more neutron-deficient side, which have significant impact on the rp-process pathway, is discussed.have been determined experimentally, with uncertainties of 85 keV [8] and 40 keV [9], respectively. For the others, only theoretical predictions are given. A recent Q-value sensitivity study pointed out that the 65 As mass uncertainty has significant impact on the light curves and the ash compositions of X-ray bursts [10].High-precision experimental mass data of nuclides near the N = Z line are also necessary for verification of the Standard Model through the unitarity of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Masukawa (CKM) matrix. The "corrected" Ft-values of super allowed 0 + → 0 + β + -decay between T = 1 analog states are directly related to the dominant term in the top-row sum of the CKM matrix [11]. To calculate the Ft-values, the necessary nuclear parameters are partial lifetimes of the 0 + → 0 + transition and the corresponding Q EC -values. For nuclear masses, a relative precision of δm/m 5 × 10 −8 is required. The unitarity of the CKM matrix is confirmed to the level of 1.2 × 10 −4 with the uncertainties of present nuclear data [12]. A large fraction of the nuclear uncertainty stems from the mass uncertainty of 66 As (30 keV [5]) and the ambiguity in the 70 Br mass value [12,6].Half-lives of these as-yet insufficiently studied nuclides, excluding highly proton-unbound 69 Br and 73 Rb, span from tens to hundreds of milliseconds. These short half-lives make them difficult to effectively measure with Penning traps. In contrast, the multireflection time-of-flight mass spectrograph (MRTOF-MS) has advantages, discussed below.The MRTOF-MS has been developed for both mass measurement and isobar separation techniques in recent years. Typical mass resolving power of MRTOF-MS reaches R m > 10 5 with short measurement times of less than 10 ms. MRTOF-MS have been applied for mass measurement of heavy nuclei [13,14,15] and light neutron-rich nuclei [16,17,18] in several facilities. The achieved relative mass uncertainties have so far reached the order of δm/m ∼ 10 −7 , providing measurements relevant for nuclear-structure physics and some astrophysics. However, the measurement precision reported so far from on-line MRTOF-MS measurements is not sufficient for rp-process and unitarity of CKM matrix.The SHE-mass facility at RIKEN has been constructed to enable mass measurements of super-hea...