We develop a theory of the Klein-Gordon equation on curved spacetimes. Our main tool is the method of (non-autonomous) evolution equations on Hilbert spaces. This approach allows us to treat low regularity of the metric, of the electromagnetic potential and of the scalar potential. Our main goal is a construction of various kinds of propagators needed in quantum field theory.2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35L05, 47D06, 58J45, 81Q10, 81T20. loc (Σ)) with ∂ i u ∈ C(R; L 2 loc (Σ)) and Ku ∈ L 2 loc (M), thenProof. Note that, as a subset of Σ, we have suppẼ[u](t) supp u(t) ∪ supp u(t). We show that u(x) 0 for any) by an application of Prop. E.2 for all smoothˆ ≻ . For any such x, J − (x) does not intersect (supp Ku ∩ M + ) ∪ {t}× suppẼ[u](t). Prop. E.2 now shows that u vanishes in J − (x) ∩ M + and thus also at x. We have thus shown that supp u ∩ M ± ⊂ J ± (supp Ku ∩ M ± ) ∪ {t}× supp u(t) ∪ supp u(t) for all smoothˆ ≻ . It follows that (E.5) holds, because a vector is -causal if and only if it isˆ -timelike for all smoothˆ ≻ by Prop. 1.5 of [7] and thereforeThe embedding for J − follows by time reversal and remaining embedding by the union of the embeddings for J + and J − .