We investigate the quantum phase transitions in the frustrated antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model for SrCu2(BO3)2 by using the series expansion method. It is found that a novel spin-gap phase, which is adiabatically connected to the plaquette-singlet phase, exists between the dimer and the magnetically ordered phases known so far. When the ratio of the competing exchange couplings α(= J ′ /J) is varied, this spin-gap phase exhibits the first-(second-) order quantum phase transition to the dimer (the magnetically ordered) phase at the critical point αc1 = 0.677(2) (αc2 = 0.86(1)). Our results shed light on some controversial arguments about the nature of the quantum phase transitions in this model. PACS numbers: 75.10Jm, 75.40CxTwo-dimensional (2D) antiferromagnetic quantum spin systems with the spin gap have been the subject of considerable interest. A typical compound found recently is SrCu 2 (BO 3 ) 2 [1], in which the characteristic lattice structure of the Cu 2+ spins (see Fig. 1) stabilizes the singlet ground state. This system has been providing a variety of interesting phenomena such as the plateaus in the magnetization curve observed at 1/3, 1/4 and 1/8 of the full moment [1,2]. The spin system may be described by the 2D Heisenberg model on the square lattice with some diagonal bonds which is referred to as the ShastrySutherland model [3], as pointed out by Miyahara and Ueda [4]. The key structure with the orthogonal dimers shown in Fig. 1 makes the system unique and particularly interesting among 2D spin-gap compounds. In this frustrated system, there may occur non-trivial quantum phase transitions when the nearest-neighbor coupling J and the next-nearest-neighbor coupling J ′ are varied. Albrecht and Mila [5] discussed the possibility of a helical phase between the dimer and the magnetically ordered phases by means of the Schwinger boson mean-field theory. Recent theoretical studies, however, have suggested that there may not be such a helical phase, but the first-order phase transition occurs from the dimer to the ordered phases [4,6]. Furthermore, more recent study [7] claims that the phase transition should be of the second order with a non-trivial critical exponent ν = 0.45(2). These controversial conclusions may come from the fact that the quantum phase transition in the Shastry-Sutherland model suffers from the strong frustration due to the competing exchange interactions J and J ′ , and therefore a careful treatment should be necessary to figure out the correct nature of the phase transition. In particular, we have to keep in mind that such a strong frustration may possibly stabilize another spin-gap phase distinct from the dimer phase.In this paper, by calculating the ground state energy, the staggered susceptibility and the spin gap by means of the series expansion method, we find that there should exist a novel spin-gap phase with the disordered ground state, which is stabilized by the strong frustration, between the dimer and the magnetically ordered phases. The spin-gap phase found in this...