Introduction 2 Purpose and scope 2 Description of study area 3 Previous investigations 3 Methods of study 7 Acknowledgments 7 Hydrogeology 8 Geologic setting 8 Hydrogeologic units 8 Floridan aquifer system 10 Dublin aquifer system 11 Midville aquifer system 11 Conceptualization of stream-aquifer flow system 12 Hydrologic budget 14 Predevelopment flow system 16 Modern-day (1987-92) flow system 16 Simulation of groundwater flow 18 Spatial and vertical discretization 20 Hydraulic characteristics 20 Boundary conditions 23 Pumpage 26 Model calibration 29 Steady-state simulation of predevelopment flow system 31 Simulated heads 31 Simulated water budget 33 Simulated groundwater recharge 39 Simulated groundwater discharge to streams 41 Simulated groundwater flow 43 Simulation of flow system, 1953-92 45 Testing of model for transient response to pumpage 45 Steady-state analysis of modern-day (1987-92) flow conditions 45 Simulated drawdown 55 Calibrated hydraulic properties 61 Trans-river flow beneath the Savannah River 74 Particle tracking analysis of advective groundwater flow 75 Westward trans-river flow 84 Eastward trans-river flow 84 Recharge areas to trans-river flow zones 85 Simulated time-of-travel 86 Trans-river flow, recharge areas, and time-of-travel at the Savannah River Site 88 Simulation of groundwater flow-Continued Sensitivity analysis 88 Limitations of digital simulation 90 Limitations of particle tracking 100 Summary and conclusions 100 Selected References 104 Appendix A. Mean-annual groundwater discharge to streams estimated using hydrograph separation and simulated groundwater discharge for predevelopment (prior to 1953) and modern-day (1987-92) conditions 114 Appendix B. Estimated groundwater discharge to streams during 1954 and 1986 droughts, and simulated groundwater discharge for predevelopment (prior to 1953) and modern-day (1987-92) conditions 115 Appendix C. Measured heads, simulated predevelopment (prior to 1953) and modern-day (1987-92) heads, and error criteria in wells used for model calibration 119 v ILLUSTRATIONS PLATES [in pocket in back of report] Plates 1-3. Maps showing: 1. Model grid and boundary conditions for the Upper Three Runs, Gordon, and Millers Pond aquifers 2. Model grid and boundary conditions for the Dublin and Midville aquifers 3. Estimated average potentiometric surface for the Upper Three Runs, Gordon, Dublin, and Midville aquifers FIGURES