and Geri Wellborn for their help collecting and sending the data that I used in this study and for answering all questions I had related to it. Scott and Geri were also instrumental in coordinating our field work with sampling City of Norman wells. Next, I would like to thank my committee members Dr. Megan Elwood Madden and Dr. Kato Dee for their advice on my thesis and for teaching nearly all of the foundational geochemistry and hydrology classes I had over the course of my master's program at OU. Dr. Kato Dee also loaned equipment, experience, and time to help with the field work discussed in this study. My field partner, Alexa Muntz, also helped tremendously with the field work. Brandon Maples's work with USGS percent data allowed me to get percent sand estimates for wells of interest. I would also like to thank my advisor, Dr. Andy Elwood Madden, for all of his support, patience, and flexibility in allowing me to pursue all of the twists and turns of this project and really make it my own.