Abstract. This investigation was to determine whether data on irrigation‐well registration forms as reported by well drillers can be used in hydrologic studies. Transmissivity maps were prepared for Hamilton County, Nebraska using only specific capacity values computed from yield and drawdown data, as reported on irrigation well‐registration forms. On one map each control point was the mean of the transmissivity values calculated for all wells in a section. On a second map each control point was the mean of the means for four contiguous sections sharing a common corner. The second map was similar to that of a previously prepared map based on control point values computed from specific capacities of selected wells, test hole logs, and geologic interpretations. These results suggest that reported registration data for a given area have a normal population distribution. In situations where individual data are unverified the data base can be treated as samples of a population where the mean of the means of several samples for adjacent areas is representative of actual field conditions.