field observations. To best develop and test conceptual models, supporting data should be derived using a num-The Pajarito Plateau in northern New Mexico, on which the Los ber of observational techniques and include a variety Alamos National Laboratory is situated, is characterized by a thick of data types. vadose zone overlying the regional aquifer of the western Espanola Basin. In this study, conceptual models of vadose zone flow and Los Alamos National Laboratory (the Laboratory or transport processes are presented and then supported through the LANL; Fig. 1) has performed research and development interpretation of field data, including synthesis with numerical models. in nuclear weapons technologies and other national de-The conceptual models differentiate the rate of percolation by their fense activities for more than 60 yr, beginning with the location and surface hydrologic setting, including wet and dry canyons, Manhattan Project in the 1940s. During this time, Laboand wet, dry, and disturbed mesas. Net infiltration beneath wet canratory operations have been accompanied by both disyons is the highest, with rates on the order of a meter per year posal of and intentional or accidental releases of chemi-(100-1000 mm yr Ϫ1 ). Transport to the regional aquifer beneath the cal contaminants into the environment at a variety of wettest canyons is likely on the order of several years to several sites. Contaminants with possible negative impacts to decades, depending on the thicknesses of the various hydrostratigroundwater include high explosives, radionuclides, chemgraphic layers. Perched water is sometimes found beneath wetter canyons and is associated with near-surface alluvial systems and at ical solvents, and metals. Today, the Laboratory is reintermediate depths along low-permeability interfaces such as buried sponsible for ensuring that none of its past contaminant soils or unfractured regions of basalt flows. Percolation through the releases pose a threat to human health now or in the volcanic tuffs is generally considered to be via matrix-dominated flow, future, and to carry out remediation activities to clean whereas fracture flow may play a key role in contaminant transport up contaminated sites. One of the key potential risks is through densely welded tuffs or basalt units beneath wet canyons.groundwater contamination, possibly affecting drinking Infiltration beneath dry canyons and dry mesas is much slower (10 water quality in municipal or private wells. Contaminants mm yr Ϫ1 or less), yielding transport times to the aquifer of hundreds must travel through a thick vadose zone to reach the to several thousands of years. However, long-term surface disturregional aquifer. Therefore, a well-developed conceptual bances at mesa-top locations may alter infiltration rates such that model describing vadose zone flow and transport beneath at a local scale, the infiltration rates temporarily approach those of wetter canyons.