Climate change and increasing human impacts are more emphasised in recharge regions, where the main flow direction is downward, resulting in negative water balance. Two wetlands located in the recharge position of regional groundwater flow systems were investigated in the Nyírség region, Hungary, as pilot areas for representing wetlands in similar hydraulic positions. Hydraulic data processes, chemical data evaluations, and numerical simulations revealed that the wetlands are fed via local flow systems, superimposing regional-scale recharge conditions in the area. The wetlands are discharge and flow-through types in connection with local flow systems. Nevertheless, in the case of significant regional water table decline—due to the high vulnerability of recharge areas to climate change—local flows are degraded, so they are not able to sustain the wetlands. To preserve the groundwater-dependent ecosystems in the areas, water retention at the local recharge areas of the wetlands may help in the mitigation of water level decline under present-day conditions. If the regional water table continues to decline, comprehensive water retention solutions are needed in the whole region. The results highlight that understanding the natural wetland–groundwater interactions at different scales is crucial for the preservation of wetlands and for successful water retention planning.