In this paper we study representations of skew group algebras ΛG, where Λ is a connected, basic, finite-dimensional algebra (or a locally finite graded algebra) over an algebraically closed field k with characteristic p 0, and G is an arbitrary finite group each element of which acts as an algebra automorphism on Λ. We characterize skew group algebras with finite global dimension or finite representation type, and classify the representation types of transporter categories for p = 2, 3. When Λ is a locally finite graded algebra and the action of G on Λ preserves grading, we show that ΛG is a generalized Koszul algebra if and only if Λ is.License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see 6294 LIPING LI category, etc., and Λ is the corresponding path algebra, incidence algebra, or category algebra. Under this assumption, we show that if ΛS is of finite representation type (for the situation where p 5 and Λ is not a local algebra) or of finite global dimension, then the action of S on E must be free. In this situation, ΛS is the matrix algebra over Λ S , the subalgebra of Λ constituted of all elements in Λ fixed by the action of S. Therefore, ΛS is Morita equivalent to Λ S , and we can prove:closed under the action of S and n i=1 e i = 1. Then: (1) gldim ΛG < ∞ if and only if gldim Λ < ∞ and S acts freely on E. Moreover, if gldim ΛG < ∞, then gldim ΛG = gldim Λ. (2) ΛG is an Auslander algebra if and only if Λ is and S acts freely on E. (3) Suppose that p = 2, 3 and Λ is not a local algebra. Then ΛG is of finite representation type if and only if so is Λ S and S acts freely on E. If Λ ∼ = Λ S ⊕ B as Λ S -bimodules, ΛG has finite representation type if and only if so does Λ and S acts on E freely.Let P be a finite connected poset on which every element in G acts as an automorphism. The Grothendick construction T = G ∝ P is called a transporter category. It is a finite EI category, i.e., every endomorphism in T is an isomorphism. Representations of transporter categories and finite EI categories have been studied in [10,11,22,23,25,26]. In a paper [26], Xu showed that the category algebra kT is a skew group algebra of the incidence algebra kP. We study its representation type for p = 2, 3, and it turns out that we can only get finite representation type for very few cases: Theorem 1.2. Let G be a finite group acting on a connected finite poset P and suppose that p = 2, 3. Then the transporter category T = G ∝ P is of finite representation type if and only if one of the following conditions is true:(1) |G| is invertible in k and P is of finite representation type;(2) P has only one element and G is of finite representation type.When Λ is a locally finite graded algebra and the action of G preserves grading, the skew group algebra ΛG has a natural grading. Therefore, it is reasonable to characterize its Koszul property. Since |G| might not be invertible in k, the degree 0 part of ΛG might not be semisimple, and the classical Koszul theory cannot apply. Thus we use ...