The convergence of today’s critical sanitary environmental and socio-economic crises is pressing humanity towards a shifting point from which a new paradigm could emerge, where accelerated scientific-technological innovations transforming social relations may enable a leap of conscience with the improvement appreciation of human life conditions and better caring for the planet as a whole, opening for a more fraternal cooperation and sustainability mind set. The crisis is systemic and has moral roots, so the solutions are asking for a change in human values and human consciousness that may already be found in initiatives like a new socio-economic models such as the Economy of Francisco, the Society 5.0 that are emerging and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Moreover, there is already a humanity awareness movement that defines patterns for levels of global consciousness that together with other development systems models may help to follow up the process of the transition from the society of knowledge to the society of consciousness. This close global monitoring would give us chance for a better global and local management showing signs of improvement, and give calls for alerts. This paper presents advances in this direction and shows how the ICT revolution on its way may already give support to collectively on-line monitoring with already existing important synthetic indicators that represent basic sensors for the process, showing what may be the way for the future, and what kind of metamorphose we may be emerging.