Binge eating disorder (BED) was included in the DSM IV as a proposed diagnostic category for further study and as an example for an eating disorder not otherwise specified (EDNOS). BED is characterized by recurrent episodes of binge eating in the absence of regular compensatory behavior such as vomiting or laxative abuse. Related features include eating until uncomfortably full, eating when not physically hungry, eating alone and feelings of depression or guilt. BED is associated with increased psychopathology including depression and personality disorders. Although BED is not limited to obese individuals, it is most common in this group and those who seek help do so for treatment of overweight rather than for binge eating. In community samples, the prevalence of BED has been found to be 2 -5%, in individuals who seek weight control treatment the prevalence is 30%. BED is more equal in gender ratio than bulimia nervosa. Eating disorder treatments such as cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) or interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) improve binge eating with abstinence rates of about 50%. Antidepressants are also effective in reducing binge eating, though less so than psychotherapy. Standard weight loss treatments including bariatric surgery do not seem to exacerbate binge eating problems. Thus, both eating disorder and obesity treatments seem to be beneficial in BED. However, it is recommended today that treatment should first be directed at the disordered eating and associated psychopathology. International Journal of Obesity (2001) 25, Suppl 1, S51 -S55 Keywords: binge eating; binge eating disorder; comorbidity
DiagnosisAlthough Albert Stunkard in 1955 1 identified binge eating as a distinct eating pattern in some obese individuals, this phenomenon received little systematic attention until a few years ago. Preliminary criteria for a disorder, termed binge eating disorder (BED) in DSM IV 2 has been delineated in an attempt to better define and study this problem. This newly conceptualized eating disorder has been given provisional status by being included in the Appendix of the DSM IV 2 for diagnostic categories meriting further study, and is also included as an example of eating disorders not otherwise specified (EDNOS). The diagnostic criteria currently recommended for BED are presented in Table 1.It is important to keep in mind that in clinical settings the great majority of persons with BED will have varying degrees of obesity, even though the diagnosis is not limited to overweight individuals.
PrevalenceThe community surveys have estimated the current prevalence of binge eating disorder to be between 2 and 5%. 3,4 BED is more equal in gender ratio 5 (65% female, 35% male) than bulimia nervosa (BN), for which only about 10% of persons affected are men. 5 BED is more common among overweight women seeking treatment than overweight women not seeking treatment. Approximately 30% of those participating in weight loss programs and 70% of individuals in Overeaters Anonymous display BED. 4 Interestingly, in a community sur...