We explore whether the phase diagram of tensor models could feature a pregeometric, discrete and a geometric, continuum phase for the building blocks of space. The latter are associated to rank d tensors of size N . We search for a universal large N scaling limit in a rank-3 model with real tensors that could be linked to a transition between the two phases. We extend the conceptual development and practical implementation of the flow equation for the pregeometric setting. This provides a pregeometric "coarse-graining" by going from many microscopic to few effective degrees of freedom by lowering N . We discover several candidates for fixed points of this coarse graining procedure, and specifically explore the impact of a novel class of interactions allowed in the real rank-3 model. In particular, we explain how most universality classes feature dimensional reduction, while one candidate, involving a tetrahedral interaction, might potentially be of relevance for threedimensional quantum gravity.