Society relies and depends increasingly on information exchange and communication. In the quantum world, security and privacy is a built-in feature for information processing. The essential ingredient for exploiting these quantum advantages is the resource of entanglement, which can be shared between two or more parties. The distribution of entanglement over large distances constitutes a key challenge for current research and development. Due to losses of the transmitted quantum particles, which typically scale exponentially with the distance, intermediate quantum repeater stations are needed. Here we show how to generalise the quantum repeater concept to the multipartite case, by describing large-scale quantum networks, i.e. network nodes and their long-distance links, consistently in the language of graphs and graph states. This unifying approach comprises both the distribution of multipartite entanglement across the network, and the protection against errors via encoding. The correspondence to graph states also provides a tool for optimising the architecture of quantum networks.
IntroductionQuantum entanglement is one of the pillars of quantum information processing. Distribution of entanglement among two or more spatially separated parties is a necessary ingredient for many tasks in quantum information theory, including distributed quantum computing [1], blind quantum computing [2], teleportation [3], telecloning [4], secret sharing [5] and quantum cryptography schemes [6][7][8]. Multipartite entanglement enables a violation of Bell inequalities that grows exponentially with the number of parties [9]. However, the controlled distribution of entanglement, in particular of multipartite entanglement, over long distances is a major challenge, due to unavoidable imperfections such as particle losses and decoherence.The seminal idea of quantum repeaters [10, 11] is based on the distribution of short-range entanglement between intermediate repeater stations (thus avoiding losses that grow typically exponentially with the distance) and subsequent entanglement swapping, which connects the short links along a line to long-range bipartite entanglement. Several theoretical variations have been proposed: some of them are based on entanglement distillation [12][13][14] and others are based on forward error correction [15][16][17][18]. Much experimental progress towards the realisation of a quantum repeater has been made [19][20][21][22][23][24][25].'Partially quantum' networks are considered in the so-called trusted node scenario [26], while fully quantum networks have been investigated in the context of network routing [27][28][29][30] and coding [31-33] strategies and heterogeneous network technologies [34].Here we propose a general multipartite quantum network architecture, where the long-distance links are bridged by quantum repeater stations. This idea is illustrated in figure 1 for the long-term vision of a 'world-wide quantum web'. This network contains nodes (labelled by letters), which receive, measure and send pa...