In the present work we solve the motion equations of a particle in a Paul trap embeded in the gravitational field of a spherically symmetric mass. One of the ideas behind this work concerns the analysis of the effects that the gravityinduced quantum noise, stemming from the bodies in the neighborhood of the Paul trap, could have upon the enhancement of the quantum behavior of this system. This will be done considering a series expansion for the gravitational field of the source, and including in the Hamiltonian of the Paul trap only the first two terms. Higher-order contributions will be introduced as part of the environment of the system, and in consequence will not appear in the Hamiltonian. In other words, we put forward an argument that allows us to differentiate those gravitational degrees of freedom that will appear as an uncontrollable influence on the Paul trap. Along the ideas of the so called restricted path integral formalism, we take into account the continuous monitoring of the position of our particle, and in consequence the corresponding propagators and probabilities, associated with the different measurements outputs, are obtained. Afterwards, the differential equation related to a quantum nondemolition variable is posed and solved, i.e., a family of quantum nondemolition parameters is obtained. Finally, a qualitative analysis of the effects on the system, of the gravity-induced environment, will be done. *