A synthesis of research indicated that the people of the PRC historically and presently place a high value on the concepts of collaterality, or ."groupness," and cooperation. These cultural tendencies .are reflected in a variety of educational structures and processes, 3' which,for the purposes of this study, were classified into five categories: "group ;·dentity," nsoctal responsibility," "authoritarianism,""conf1 i ct avoidance," and "r.egul at ion.
11It was shown how these teaching structures and processes helped form in the Chinese student cooperative and conformant perceptual and 1 earni: ng sets·. Such sets may be revea 1 ed in sma 11 task group communi cation behaviors such as an ;·nterdependence of group members, a concern with formality and procedure, .a polychronic time orientation, a strict adheren.ce to group norms, minimal overt displays of emotion or censure (as manifested in a concern for 11 face, 11 jndirection and compromise), directive leaders, a centralized communicati9n pattern, a conformant decision-making process, an efficient problem-solving approach, and a ~igh dependence on context for the interpretation of messages.A review of literature indicated that individualism and competition a.re two pervas·i. ve and strong va 1 ues in the majority culture of the US.Th.es.e tendencies a.re at least· partially a result of educational approaches which can be cat.egorized thus: "self-orientation," "individual flexi-· bility,u "democracy," "confrontation," and "critical thinking."These teaching structures and processes lead to an individualistic and competitive 11 set 11 that may be revealed in the following small task . group behavioral characteristics:· a stress on organization, task accomplishment, and democratic group organization and leadership; a monochronic, or linear, time orientation; a lack of commitment to group objectives; a quantitative approach to solutions; an analytical, somewhat creative approach to problem-solvi~g; and outspoken, aggressive and superfictally gr.egarious oral communications. It is 'suggested that w·hen the two task. groups interact, one may begin tq overcome resultant communication.blocks through an empathic awareness of the prob1em differences--what they are and why and how they opera te--a.nd a wi 11 i.ngnes s to switch from one' .s own frame of reference to that of another in order to better interpret and work with those cultural · di:fferences.