“…A final remark concerning tools, is that fewer than one quarter have been evaluated in terms of specific features, namely VNC4DPP (Hanks, 2004;2005;2008), COOPER (Favela et al, 2004;Natsu et al, 2003), SCEPPSys (Tsompanoudi et al, 2013), AliCe-ViLlagE (Al-Jarrah & Pontelli, 2014;, COLLECE (Bravo et al, 2013), BlueJ (Fisker et al, 2008), JIMBO (Ghorashi & Jensen, 2016;, Collabode (Goldman et al, 2011a(Goldman et al, , 2011b, and Jazz (Meneely & Williams, 2009). The majority of the tools evaluated fall into the category of standalone IDEs and Eclipse plugins for DPP.…”