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GROUPS OF AUTOMORPHISMS OF LOCAL FIELDS OF PERIOD p AND NILPOTENT CLASS < p, IVICTOR ABRASHKIN Abstract. Suppose K is a finite field extension of Q p containing a primitive p-th root of unity. Let K 2. Let K be a complete discrete valuation field with finite residue field k F p N 0 , N 0 ∈ N. Let K sep be a separable closure of K and Γ = Gal(K sep /K).A profinite group structure of Γ is well-known, [9]. Most significant information about this structure comes from the maximal p-quotient Γ(p) of Γ, [10,13,14]. As a matter of fact, the structure of Γ(p) is not too complicated: its (topological) module of generators equals K * /K * p and if K has no non-trivial p-th roots of unity (e.g. if charK = p) then Γ(p) is pro-finite free; otherwise, Γ(p) has finitely many generators and only one (the Demushkin) relation of a very special form. In [1, 2, 3] the author introduced new techniques (nilpotent ArtinSchreier theory) which allowed us to study p-extensions of characteristic p with Galois groups of nilpotent class < p. Such groups come from Lie algebras via classical equivalence L → G(L) of the categories of Lie