Multiresolution (MR) provides a useful framework for hierarchical representation and manipulation of geometric objects. It consists of two main operations: decomposition (finding coarse points and details) and reconstruction (subdivision plus error correction). One way to construct MR is to use a reverse subdivision (RS) approach by minimizing the error between fine points and subdivided coarse points. However, after a few levels of decomposition using current RS techniques, the coarse points are usually high energy and do not preserve the overall structure of the fine points. This limits the reverse subdivision-based editing and synthesis applications to produce accurate results. This thesis introduces a new reverse subdivision framework, entitled "Smooth Reverse Subdivision", that considers the smoothness of the coarse points as a factor in the decomposition. Using a weighted least-squares approach, a trial set of reverse subdivision xi 5.20 Two applications of the new fairing operation on a coarse mesh.. .. .. 5.21 Mesh editing using the new local fairing operation. (a) Fine mesh. (b) Coarse mesh. (c) Smooth coarse mesh. (d) Edited smooth coarse mesh.