Original Citation:Effect of microwaves on the in situ hydrodistillation of four different Lamiaceae
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AbstractThe development of alternative techniques to classic hydrodistillation (HD) has been prompted because of the drawbacks of the more traditional technique. These drawbacks include: partial thermal degradation, high energy consumption and the fact that it is a time-consuming process. In situ microwave-generated hydrodistillation (MGH) and microwave hydrodiffusion and gravity (MHG) are suitable methods which may improve the preparation of essential oils. In this work, we report a comparison study of HD, MGH and MHG used in the extraction of four plant species cultivated in Piedmont (Italy): lavender, oregano, basil and sage. Both microwave-assisted procedures gave excellent results; in particular the essential oils obtained under MHG were very similar to those obtained with HD. In MGH, the polarity and the physico-chemical properties of the extracted compounds caused bigger differences in essential oil composition.