Field experiment was conducted during 2018 and 2019 rainy seasons at the experimental farm of Potato Programme, Kuru, National Root Crops Research Institute Umudike, Abia State of Nigeria. Kuru is located on (Lat. 09o 44’N, Long 08o 44” E, 1239.4m amsl) in the northern Guinea Savanna Ecological zone of Nigeria. The experiment was conducted to determine the effects of various rates of nitrogen (0, 60 and 120 kg N/ha), wood ash (0, 2.5 and 5.0 t/ha) and intra-row spacing (20, 30 and 40 cm) on stand count and number of seed tubers of potato. A split plot design was used where the factorial combinations of N and intra-row spacing were assigned to the main plots, while wood ash was assigned to sub plots. The treatments were replicated three (3) times. The result revealed that application of 60 - 120 kg N/ha and 2.5 - 5.0 t/ha wood ash enhanced crop growth and yield of potato like stand count and number of seed tuber, respectively. Therefore, during manure application of Nitrogen at 60 kg N/ha with wood ash at 5.0 t/ha and at reduced intra-row spacing (20cm and 30cm) is recommended for cultivation Potato in the region.